
The Darknet Diaries by Jack Rhysider is my favorite podcast. Every episode you learn something new and you get sucked into the stories. Darknet Diaries is true stories about hackers, malware, botnets, cryptography, cryptocurrency, cybercrime, and Internet privacy. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone, you don't even have to be into cybersecurity to enjoy these episodes.

Down the Security Rabbit hole is a great podcast. Rafal and James work well together and they make their content enjoyable. Sometimes Cybersecurity can be dry, but these two inject their personal experiences to make the content enjoyable. Their mission is to entertain you while providing a work-safe show that you could actually learn something from to help you do your job better.

Breaking into Cyber into Cybersecurity is another great podcast. Renee and Christophe are great together. They bring on a lot of guests every week and it's a must-listen if you're new to cybersecurity.