Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)

This certification was not difficult, but I will say there is a lot of material to cover. I believe you need a good understanding of the material to successfully pass the course. I was able to pass this exam in a week. However, I would like to point out that I spent 8 hours a day studying and I already had core cloud knowledge from the AWS cloud practitioners course. There were no labs provided with the training course I used. If I could do it all over again, I would like to have used Azure to lock in the training material. Scott Duffy does have labs at an additional cost for those who like hands-on training.

Scott Duffy's AZ-900 Course

Scott's course is through Udemy and when it is on sale it is less than 15.00. I would either find a promo code or wait for it to be on sale. The course provides you with all the material you need to pass the exam. He even provides a study guide in PDF format to help pass the exam. Also, there is a practice exam that comes with this course. There are no labs included. However, for an additional fee, you can purchase his Azure labs as well.

John Savill's Azure Fundamentals Hints and Tips

You can find John's content on Youtube. He a bunch of videos on Microsoft Azure. This particular video is about an hour long. I watched this video the day before the exam. It helps cover the major topics of the exam to keep the information fresh in my mind.

Pete Zerger Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam Cram (AZ-900) Full Course 2021

This is another YouTube video that I watched a couple of days before the exam. Peter does a great job at explaining all the important topics covered in the exam. Also, I like how he gives keys words to look for when trying to find the correct answer for the exam. Overall, this is a good crash course and it is about 2 hours long.