
Josh Mason is a Cybersecurity Instructor and is always putting out daily content. He has a passion for helping others find their way into a career in cyber. He provides a lot of free resources for you to get started in cybersecurity. Additionally, he provides giveaways and great advice on how to land your first cybersecurity role. I've personally had the experience of chatting with him and I could sense his passion for helping others. He truly cares about you and your success.

Neal Bridges the former NAS hacker now Chief Content Officer for INE. There is a common theme about these LinkedIn connections. They ALL have a passion for helping you succeed in your career in cybersecurity. Neal has a wealth of knowledge that he shares daily. Also, he creates the content for the INE training platform. You can directly influence the type of training you want by letting him hear your voice. Neal always says real conversations with real people. It is true he is always having experts in the field on his Cyber Insecurity Twitch Stream. He will even respond directly to you on his discord channel or even DMs on his other social media platforms.

Are you interested in the red team and pentesting? I suggest you follow Mic Merritt or even connect with her on LinkedIn. That is not the only thing she gives advice on either. She gives general advice for people trying to get into cybersecurity as well. She has a lot of experience in the industry and shares it regularly, I highly recommend her on the list to follow.

Jay Jay Davey, A.K.A. The Big Ginger Honeypot. He is active on LinkedIn and has his own Discord channel called Cyber Job Hunting. He is driven to help you succeed and does this in several different ways. First, he's always posting good content about how to navigate your cyber career. Additionally, he provides free mentorship. Yes, I said FREE. He does limit the number of people he can help and I'm sure that to provide the best mentorship to those that have asked for his guidance.

Phillip Wylie is an expert when it comes to things for the red team. He is a co-author of the pentester blueprint. This is one of the books that is highly recommended for anyone interested in pentesting. Phillip even has a weekly stream on the Cyber Insecurity Twitch stream. He will answer your questions about all things cyber. He has a wealth of knowledge and he shares that with you on a regular basis.

Gerald is passionate about helping you launch and succeed in your cybersecurity career. He is the founder of simply cyber. Gerald is always posting resources for you to get the training you need! I highly recommend you either connect or follow Gerald on LinkedIn and find him on YouTube under Simply Cyber as well.