AWS Cloud Practitioner

AWS Cloud Practitioner

This certification was not very difficult, but I will say there is a lot of material to cover. If you have the time to study and understand the basic concepts of about 40 services offered by Amazon's AWS you'll do well on the exam. It took me a total of 5 days to pass the exam. The first three days were dedicated to watching the videos and doing some hands-on training. The last two days were studying the notes and taking practice exams. Below is the study material I used to pass my exam.

Stephane Maarek's AWS CP Course

Stephane's course is fantastic. It is the only course you need. He provides you with hands-on labs inside of AWS while you take the course. I felt like this simplified the learning of the material and made it easier to remember. He is engaging and knows the material very well. I waited for this course to be on sale and it cost $13.00. It was worth every penny spent. If there is one course you need to get to pass the AWS CP, it is this one! It took about two days to get through the course with roughly 5 hours each day committed to the course. The concepts are not hard to understand and the material is straightforward. You need to commit it to memory and that takes a few days to do. The course does come with one practice exam and he does offer 6 more for a small fee.

AWS CP Practice exams

I also purchased Stephane's additional exams. I only took 4 of the 6 exams. They were good for preparing for the exam. I feel the practice tests were much harder than the real exam. If you are getting passing scores on these exams, you are ready for the official exam. If you are not passing these exam I urge you to understand why the answer is wrong. I always say this, but it needs to be said, do not memorize the answer. You need to go over the material and understand the question, that is far more valuable than memorizing the correct answer.


Neal does a great job in this video series going over the AWS basics. He goes through the services in AWS so you can see how they work. There are plenty of walkthroughs, diagrams, and charts to keep you engaged throughout the course. Neal knows his stuff and he makes it easy to follow. This is a free course on YouTube and I believe you could pass the exam by using this video and finding some free practice exams online.

My consolidated notes

Here are my consolidated notes for the Cloud Practitioner course material. I found it easier to consolidate the notes and study the high-level concepts after deep-diving into the material. You cannot pass the exam with only these notes. They are a short snippet of the material meant to queue your mind to remember the complexity of the material you learned in the course. I know for me it was a lot easier to review these pages and not have to go through hundreds of slides.