
Linkedin challenge: 1,000 connections

Neal Bridges had put out a challenge for everyone that followed him to get 1,000 connections on LinkedIn, and it was met with mixed reviews. Some people loved the idea of expanding the cybersecurity network, and others thought LinkedIn was not a social media platform like FaceBook; connections should matter. I believe that growing your connections on LinkedIn is essential, even more so, if you are trying to get your first cybersecurity job. First, the connections allow you to see what others are posting. This gives you the ability to learn about something new, and you may never have discovered it if it wasn't for your network. Second, growing your connections to 1,000 lets, others see what you are posting. You will be able to return the favor and post something that will educate others. I believe that this only makes the cybersecurity industry stronger; knowledge is power. Third, your network's growth gives you exposure to managers, recruiters, and hiring officials that may never know you were an option. Finally, LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for finding your first job, your next job, and even your dream job.

Do not just randomly add 1,000 LinkedIn connections that will not serve you well. I think that is why some people don't like the idea of adding 1,000 LinkedIn connections because just adding random people doesn't add any value. If you are calculated on how you count them, you can have a potent social media tool. I suggest you add people that are in the career field you are interested in. Make sure to add recruiters, managers, and people like yourself to your list. Don't think locally either; make sure to go global with your connection request. You want your connections to have an impact and are value-added. I watched a seminar from Jason Blanchard, and he showed how social engineering and LinkedIn can help you get the job you want. I have posted his YouTube Series, and if you are serious about getting LinkedIn to work for you, you need to watch it.

A million options to choose from

There could be a million choices for who to follow on social media and several platforms to choose from. I typically use Discord, YouTube, Reddit, and podcasts to learn about cybersecurity. I have made sub-pages to list all the different influencers, educators, and leaders of cybersecurity. I hope this list helps you get started on your journey for knowledge about cybersecurity and other IT fields. This is not a complete list, and it is constantly changing, but what I have listed is a good start. Do not be afraid to explore and see what else you can find out there. I ask that if you do come across something valuable to the community to share it with everyone.